Listing: |
SIDE A: 01. Jazz Variants 02. A Time for Jazz 03. Highlife 04. Atticus SIDE B: 01. Suite for Drumset 02. Conflict of Interest 03. Rondo Barock 04. La Bamba |
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套鼓天碟THE PERCUSSION RECORD,這張發燒友等待多時,由THE O-ZONE PERCUSSION GROUP演出,作品Jazz Variants已經是經典中之經典,全球多張發燒作品,須要試敲擊,均可見收輯在其中,Clearaudio出品,AAA製作,180g 重量級黑膠,Made in Germany 。 The Music The connection of the percussion ensemble with jazz / rock / popular music seems a logical one given the inclusion of various percussion instruments as integral parts of this music. The drum-set, of course, was present from the beginning of jazz and rock, The vibraphone has long been a favorite jazz instrument, and the xylophone was a favorite ragtime solo instrument in the early part of the 20th, century. Ethnic percussion instruments from Latin America, Africa, and other cultures have long been used in the jazz/rock/pop idiom. This album includes classic percussion ensemble jazz/rock pieces like Jazz Variants, A Time for Jazz, Conflict of Interest, Rondo Barock, and Atticus. Pieces which are more ethnic in nature include La Bamba and Highlife. Jazz pieces with a solo instrument include Suite for Drum-set. |
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AV Magazine (2011/10/21) Author:
Mak Klaus
The Percussion Record
Clearaudio出版的每一張唱膠唱片,均由創辦人兼老闆Peter Suchy一手選材和監製,偶爾也會加入他兩位兒子Patrick與Robert的參與及意見。在過去的LP重刻出品中,鮮有見到Peter Suchy選擇較近代的錄音來重製出版。所以,今次介紹的< The Percussion Record>就令筆者聽得陶醉之外的多一份意外驚喜! 發燒友喜愛採用「Manger-Test CD」(俗稱「靚聲王」)來測試音響體系「力水」都必選播第15首 ,其豐富的敲擊樂聲場面滿載震撼力之餘,各式各樣的敲盤樂器聲效又傳神真實到無倫,全曲錄音播足8分多鐘也令人毫不厭倦煩躁,只會愈聽愈擔心強烈剛猛的聲效動態威力,會否令測試中的音響體系出洋相,喇叭曾否拍晒邊,以此來測試便可得知。假如閣下聽 (Jazz Variants)的「靚聲王」版本能夠過關的話。或者是去「採場」播得過癮?,就一定要試Clearaudio出版的原裝錄音更高燒版本。The O-Zone Percussion Group是由印第安納大學賓州分校的樂手組成,96年於美國細廠Klavier Records(人稱大K)旗下首敞發表,錄音者是鼎鼎大名的Bruce Leek。Clearaudio將原錄音重刻炮製180g黑膠唱片。刪除4首最悶錄音,全新排序,將 放在A面第一首、是B面首曲、壓軸,聲效震撼寰宇,勢必成為最高燒極致敲擊天碟!
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