帕格尼尼專用瓜那里名小提琴『耶穌』演奏莫札特小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲。發燒級24bit / 196khz
錄音及訊號輸出。名琴配德國名貴高雅的古鋼琴『維尼斯』琴瑟共鳴 。
NorthWest Classics has always striven to provide their listeners
with audiophile recordings of music that is either off the beaten path, or of
interpretations that shed new light on well known compositions. Mozart's sonatas
for fortepiano and violin fall under this second category, yet however respected
by music lovers they have never been strongly represented on the concert podia
nor on disc- in our opinion because their content is generally misinterpreted.
Most modern performances treat the inherent drama within these pieces of Mozart
as being only skin deep, or worse still filigreed like sugar sculpture. One
thing is certain: the interpretations on this disc by Ciomei and Fabrizio are
like no other. Performed on orginal instruments with a combination of passion
and delicacy only few achieve, their view of Mozart is unlike any other on the
market and brings hitherto unseen contours and vistas to our concept of the
composer and his creations.